How to Improve Employee Motivation?

How to Improve Employee Motivation?

Motivation is undoubtedly the essential characteristic of every increase in labor. It motivates your staff, increases productivity, promotes morale, and retains the best competent personnel with you. However, maintaining it is also tricky and demands continual attention (Aleksić, et al., 2019). While no one technique for motivation works reliably, implementing the following may assist in improving motivation in the workplace.

Set Frequent, Detailed Objectives

Employees have great objectives for the company, yet short-term goals are fundamental to inspiration. Each plan must support the overall goal, but dividing this into smaller components appears less overwhelming. As employees routinely meet their goals, their feeling of success grows and is a great motivator to continue to the next series of objectives.

Value and Recognize Exceptional Work

Employees must realize how their managers acknowledge their efforts. Well-deserved praise promotes not only self-esteem but also vitality and team spirit. A recognition system assists in identifying the best performers who embody corporate goals. Workers must be encouraged annually via team-building events, short-term programs and contract options, and EAP services. They recommend going beyond and congratulating the employees for other special anniversaries, such as a "10-year work milestone or employee of the month". The reward doesn't have to be financial; it could simply be an act, such as giving them a day off. Bonuses may significantly boost job satisfaction and motivation. So, when you want to push the employees to extreme lengths, compensate them with a gift or a praiseworthy gesture (Shibly & Weerasinghe, 2019).

Create a Welcoming Work Environment

Nobody wants to stay in a depressing office daily, hoping for break time. Workers would be more likely to show up for work if their company offered a friendly workplace with possibilities for leisure and recreation. The old phrase "work hard, play hard" applies here. Since motivation and attitude are closely connected, a negative mood at work may decrease focus and energy levels.

Offer Extraordinary Benefits

Give everyone the impression as if they working in the best possible surroundings. Providing employee incentives and bonuses, such as those given via our reward points program and fringe benefits that attempt to better your employees' experiences inside and outside work, increases morale and the company's loyalty. Make certain that your presents are customized to the employees’ unique needs.

Promote Cooperation

Collaboration between business teams allows ideas to be developed deeper. Working with people with different skills and talents will produce more creative results. In groups, there is power in numbers, and someone missing motivation must be supported by others.

Develop a Professional Development Plan

No one enjoys being stuck in one place for a lengthy amount of time. People all want to know where we're going and the next step. Ask employees what they wish to build their professions and detail the procedures necessary to get there. Conduct training discussions with teammates to make a profession; this will drive them to move up to the next level and offer them the impression that they have a long and profitable path ahead of them inside the firm.

Encourage Worker Motivation by Supporting Staff Well-Being

Organizations typically disregard wellness when they apply motivational strategies or staff incentive schemes. Doubtless, implementing incentives as a reward is a potent motivator. However, regardless of how much they inspire, they only perform their best work if they are enthusiastic and relaxed. A comprehensive approach to well-being, such as addressing your team's academic, emotional, and physiological well-being, is a wonderful method for keeping them strong, content, and on their best behavior (Sabir, 2017).

Maintain Effective Interaction

Offering additional ideas and projects in a positive light motivates workers to support the company's success. Employee motivation may skyrocket when everyone knows the company's goals. This also relates to problem-solving. A problem is more likely to be resolved if it is handled constructively, over a casual cup of coffee, and instead of negatively.

Reference List

Achim, M. I., Dragolea, L. -. L. & Balan, G., 2013. "The Importance Of Employee Motivation To Increase Organizational Performance ". Annales Universitatis Apulensis Series Oeconomica,, pp. 685-691.

Aleksić, M. M., Jerotijević, G. & Jerotijević, Z., 2019. Modern approaches to employee motivation. Ekonomika, 65(2), pp. 121-133.

Okin, G. N. B., Adde, G. Y. A., Olusola, B. E. & Asar, I., 2021. Employee Motivation and its Effects on Employee Productivity/ Performance. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development.

Sabir, A., 2017. Motivation: Outstanding Way to Promote Productivity in Employees. American Journal of Management Science and Engineering , 2(3), pp. 35-40.

Shibly, M. & Weerasinghe, T. D., 2019. Impact of Financial Rewards on Work Motivation of Operational Level Employees: Evidence from a Leading Manufacturing Organization in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Journal of Advanced Social Studies, 9(1), pp. 1-17.


  1. Great Content , In today's cutthroat business environment, motivated employees will undoubtedly be the ones to propel the corporation to success.
    Vanek (2012), explains that in the 21st Century, it is the Human resource, more or less the ones with knowledge and higher productivity are the biggest assets the organizations possess.

    1. Agreed, human resources and employee engagement has become a vital process in an organization. Especially during pandemic where companies had to operate, while managing its human resources effectively (Dinesh-Warrier and Badu, 2021).

  2. Good content Thashmika. Furthermore, communication skills, crisis management, interpersonal relations, decision-making, conflict management, error management, risk-taking, reward management, trust, supervision, and guidance affected the motivational climate in the workplace from the perspective of the employees. According to the research, involving employees in decision-making will increase their motivation (Vioasami et al., 2001).

    1. I agree, all the stated characteristics of the workplace will play an integral part in motivating employees.

  3. Good one. Furthermore the managers and the supervisors support towards encouraging employee participation, mutual commitment, and understanding of the diversity issues play a significant role in motivating and enabling performance (Snyder et al, 2004).

  4. Great blog Thahmika. Also, Motivation is a widely studied subject, and there are multiple different existing theories that could have been used in the research. The relevant theories for the industry and the company in question were selected for further study. Motivation can be linked to basic human drives and needs, and therefore a review of the topic was included in the theoretical part of the thesis. Drives and needs are the core of human behavior, as well as motivation, and therefore many of the theories are based on psychology and examining the human mind (Saijanen 2017).

    1. Agreed. Motivation is a widely studied area in literature as well as in real world application. It is mainly due to the added advantages that companies can capitalize on by having a motivated workforce (Kumari et al, 2021)

  5. Good Article Thasmika, Basically, Motivation is a backbone at the workplace and if the organization doesn’t have suitable motivation methods, arrangement, the company might lose its existing employee base (Forson et al., 2021).

    1. Agreed. Many companies nowadays lose their workplace due to the lack of motivational factors for the employees to remain in the company. Companies should focus more on engaging with its employees and maintain high motivational levels.


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