Importance of Employee Motivation

Importance of Employee Motivation

Workers have long been refused their due role in many organizations. Most employers don't regard employees as significant individuals. Nevertheless, recent incidents have demonstrated that a company's personnel are one of its greatest assets.

If managers create objectives to be accomplished, it is usually the employees' job to put procedures in place to achieve the desired results. This workforce is responsible for translating strategy from paper to actuality. As a consequence, employee retention is crucial. Workers must be kept within the organization to ensure stability in the company's business activities (O'Donnell, 2021).

Employee turnover is damaging to the growth of the organization. This is because it interferes with the efficient operation of regulations inside the company and raises the cost of new employee training. Furthermore, the employees will depart from learning the organization's plan, leaving the organization vulnerable to competitors. Consequently, managers must design strategies for attracting and keeping outstanding employees. Among the most successful approach is encouragement. Inspired workers would be loyal to and dedicated to the organization (Ganta, 2014).

Imagine a worker that is unhappy with their current position. They work slower, avoid projects, and spend much time on their smartphones. Above all, they should be more focused and excited about their work. It depletes corporate resources and may impact certain workers, preventing a whole organization from generating quality work or achieving crucial goals. On the other hand, the satisfied worker is eager, concentrated, and likes their job. Those that perform swiftly react promptly and strive to accomplish outstanding jobs for both businesses. Determining whether the company is at its pinnacle or on the rise is vital. Whenever it declines, revenue and output can drop with it. According to Varma (2018), employee motivation is critical in several ways. It mainly assists the firm in achieving the company's goals. Organizations without motivated staff can discover themselves in a dangerous scenario.

Employee motivation can boost efficiency and assist a firm in achieving higher output levels. Imagine an employee who is dissatisfied with their job. People would most certainly utilize their time at work reading the web for fun or even looking for a new position. It wastes corporate time and resources (Achim, et al., 2013).

Benefits of Employee Motivation

Employee motivation is essential for every organization due to the benefits it brings. Amongst advantages are the bellow:

  1. Increased Productivity - Unsurprisingly, using effective reward strategies helps individuals perform better, resulting in more excellent cash. Furthermore, just a few people realize that an efficient workplace contributes to employee pleasure by generating greater job satisfaction.
  2. Increased Creativity - Employee incentive via awards and other perks fosters a positive climate. Employees are more willing to push themselves if valued and encouraged by their company. As a result, the importance of work motivation cannot be overstated, as it promotes progress. Furthermore, executives who understand what advantages inspire their people often accomplish the most excellent outcomes.
  3. Reduced Absenteeism - Employers that understand the importance of motivation in managing realize that leadership benefits most from their employees if they are supportive instead of critical. When managers are concerned about the success of the business, employees experience less stress and burnout.
  4. Reduced Staff Turnover Rates - Worker benefits and incentives support one another, resulting in high retention rates. People who get incentives instead of monetary rewards are incredibly motivated and, thus, unwilling to hunt for another job. Some companies mostly need assistance in matching the compensation strategy.
  5. Development of Employer Brand - Organizations that understand how to enhance employee engagement often give the best experience and a solid corporate image. Nevertheless, this changes slowly. Data-driven strategies that rely on employee feedback create a powerful corporate identity. Companies that have built endorsers, or satisfied employee engagement, have a better chance of retaining and recruiting talented employees.

Reference List

Achim, M. I., Dragolea, L.-L. & Balan, G., 2013. The Importance Of Employee Motivation To Increase Organizational Performance. Annales Universitatis Apulensis Series Oeconomica, 15(2), pp. 685-691.

Ganta, V. C., 2014. Motivation in the Workplace to Improve the Employee Performance. International Journal of Engineering Technology, Management and Applied Sciences, 2(6), pp. 221-230.

O'Donnell, K., 2021. Why is Employee Motivation Important?. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 27 November 2022].

Varma, C., 2018. Importance of Employee Motivation & Job Satisfaction for Organizational Performance. International Journal of Social Science & Interdisciplinary Research, 6(2), pp. 10-20.


  1. great thasmika, If a psychological or motivational lesson involved an immediate experience of what was being conceptually taught, it was more likely to be retained (Goleman, 1995)

  2. Agreed with the content Thasmika. Further benefits are brings about more goodwill (Rothberg, 2005), employee expenditures might be decreased for a company when workers are more motivated than previously (Carr & Tang, 2005). According to Williams et al. (2003), 'job satisfaction through employee motivation, brings a good working relationship, maintains good rest periods, maximizes existing resources, and provides flexibility for employees within the organization,' and giving a period of leave for study, travel, or illness fosters loyalty and trust between the employee and organization.

    1. Agreed! One of the benefits of having a motivated workforce would be that organizations can function effectively and efficiently. This would decrease the company's operational cost, saving the firm money and increasing its profits (Achim et al., 2013).

  3. I would like to further descride about the need of employee mortivation,All successful organizations rely on a dedicated employee base. Dedication is the result of motivation and job satisfaction. It is the energy that drives employees toward organizational goals. It is impossible for an organization to achieve performance without commitment (VARMA, 2017).

  4. Employee motivation is one of the major area of HR procedure. Motivation is an invisible energy which will help the employees to work in the right direction to achieve the goals in an easier go. Motivation will Help the employees to work in their maximum potential and will also help in the retension of employees in the company.Companies will also be beneficial with the better outcome.

  5. Agreed with the content Thasmika. Motivation as a meaningful construct is a desire to satisfy a certain want and is a central pillar at the workplace. Thus, motivating employees adequately is a challenge as it has what it takes to define employee satisfaction at the workplace (Forson, 2021).

    1. Yess! Employee motivation has become an extremely difficult task to tackle. Even multinational companies such as Google have faced an increasingly high turnover rate over the years (Neeley, 2022)

  6. Interesting content Thasmika. Similarly, Vance (2006) declares that motivated employees are more engaged in their duties and are more committed to their companies. He also states that in addition to being more productive and less prone to resigning, they are a definite source of competitive advantage to their companies.

  7. Good content .Aternative working patterns such as job-rotating, job-sharing, and flexible working have been branded as effective motivational tools by Llopis (2012). Moreover, Llopis (2012) argues that motivational aspects of alternative working patterns along with its other benefits are being appreciated by increasing numbers of organisations, however, at the same time; many organisations are left behind from benefiting from such opportunities.

    1. Agreed! Flexible working arrangements is one of the best motivational tool nowadays. This has become a trend mainly due to the pandemic situation where employees had to work from home. Companies in the UK are still operating the work from home concept, since companies have been able to save money and the employees are motivated to do their tasks in the comfortability of their homes.

  8. Agree with blog post content. Further, according to Lee and Bruvold (2003), employees who are more motivated by their employers are more likely to provide incentives and contribute to the firm more productively and with higher production levels (Gardner, Van, D & Pierce, 2004) Quantity, quality, productivity, timeliness, and effectiveness are all part of the performance (Wibowo, 2010). Additionally, employee motivation has the potential to enhance organizational performance (Dobre, 2013).


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