The Relationship Between Employee Motivation and Company

The Relationship Between Employee Motivation and Company

According to Armstrong (2002), Workers serve as the company's execution force. Although the company's rules are developed by top management, the majority of their obligations are still accomplished in writing. This is up to the employees to make these goals become a reality.  They will consistently deliver the best results to the company if maintained adequately and managed. Therefore, they always offer jump services with inferior outcomes when neglected and left to decay.

It's indeed crucial for inspiring employees within the company. Employee motivation is directly related to the performance of the company. The capacity of a corporation to boost employee motivation is critical for various reasons. However, these regulations are indeed subcategories of the company's overall goal. It is possible to design a notion that can be fulfilled in three decades. Its duration is considerable, and the organization may follow a more complicated path to achieve this goal. As a consequence, this goal must be divided into yearly strategic objectives. The corporation will decide with its current personnel whenever the next year begins (Govender & Parumasur, 2010).

If some employees leave throughout the year owing to a lack of motivation, the achievement of the year's strategic objectives will remain the same. The company will be forced to locate a substitute, train them, and verify that they comprehend the goals. This time-consuming and costly endeavor would jeopardize the organization's prosperity would be undermined by this time-consuming and expensive endeavor. Replacing employees yearly is likewise not a good idea. This is because the company's mission would be destroyed as a consequence. The aim will only be accomplished if the company can restart every year with new employees who may need to understand the vision or how it was established in the first place. This diminishes the possibility of meeting predicted organizational goals.

Another method of reducing expenses is to maintain employees with appropriate rewards. It's sometimes critical to train new employees to deal with the many variables that affect the firm. Managers will spend money and time to ensure that new employees are familiar with the work situation and capable of performing the needed responsibilities. Employee retention would lower this cost. It is also easier to develop a community that understands itself when the organization has employed the person for more than five years. Everyone would understand precisely what was required of them, making leading them much more accessible. This is only possible if the employees are inspired inside the organization.

Employee Motivation in the 21st Century

Employees nowadays expect to be recognized and handled as resources rather than liabilities. They prefer self-management and need ongoing learning and education. This indicates that the manager of the twenty-first century is more of a mentor and coach than a boss who constantly employs command and control. As a result, having a restricted organizational culture that fosters micromanagement and stifles the expression of thoughts is unlikely to drive individuals to give their all. To summarize, the knowledge worker of the twenty-first century is a critical instrument for every business and, as such, must be driven to produce outcomes. 

According to Peter Drucker, "increasingly, the capacity of organizations, not just firms, to exist will come to rely on their competitive edge in making the wise person increasingly productive." It is thus safe to conclude that when employees understand what is expected of them, are working toward a strong direction with a definite strategy, and are led by leaders who inspire them and employ a transparent and fair performance measurement system; they are more likely to experience a positive work environment and be inspired to take the business or organization to the top of its industry (Holton, et al., 2009)

Nevertheless, several criteria must be examined before evaluating how a company might effectively encourage its staff. It is an accepted reality that for a company to promote its workers, it must first hire some of the top talent available to assist it in reaching its objectives (Chaubey, 2011).

According to Chuang & Liao (2010), as a result, it is critical to understand how a company may successfully attract new staff. After hiring the finest team possible by the policies in place, it is crucial to recognize that only some will live up to expectations. It determines whom to keep would be suitable since a corporation can only remain the finest of the workers to reach the utmost. A corporation may now build the finest techniques to motivate such personnel after deciding which staff to keep.

Reference List

Armstrong, M., 2002. Employee Reward. Illustrated ed. s.l.:CIPD Publishing.

Chaubey, D. S., 2011. Determinants of Employee Motivation in 21st Century Era: An Empirical Study. International Journal of Research in Computer Application & Management, 1(5), pp. 64-71.

Chuang, C.-H. & Liao, H., 2010. Strategic Human Resource Management in Service Context: Taking Care of Business by Taking Care of Employees and Customers. Personnel Psychology, 63(1), pp. 153-196.

Govender, S. & Parumasur, S. B., 2010. The relationship between employee motivation and job involvement. South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences (SAJEMS), 13(3), pp. 237-253.

Holton, V., Dent, F. E. & Rabbetts, J., 2009. Motivation and Employee Engagement in the 21st Century: A Survey of Management Views, Ashridge House, United Kingdom: Ashridge Business School.


  1. A good blog article Thashmika. Depending on the type of goal of the employee, there are different methods and approaches how to increase motivation (Moskaliuk, 2015). On the other hand, according to Schiefer and Hoffmann (2021), the most important general sources of demotivation are a lack of information, delegating tasks without responsibility, a lack of performance recognition, a rapid change of managers as well as structures and processes that are too unstable. Therefore, identifying the motivational factors of the employees is vital for line managers to have engaged employees in the workplace.

  2. Good Article Thashmika ,In addition to what you said, a motivated worker will constantly approach their work with commitment. Employee performance and productivity, among other objectives, must be met in order to keep them motivated. Additionally, he demonstrated how more autonomous and self-driven employees are compared to those who are less motivated. Employees that are highly driven are also more eager to assume responsibility and have a strong feeling of devotion to their professions and careers.(Shahzadi et al., 2014)

  3. Great explanation Thashmika. agreed with the content, according to Kim Dongho (2006) For businesses, managers, and even front-line supervisors, employee motivation has always been of utmost importance because it has been and will continue to be the determining element in work performance, which will ultimately determine the success or failure of a firm.


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